Survey Results | The New Experience Economy - Wave 6
This research was conducted in six waves over the course of 2020 and 2021. This is a community resource that is FREE to access and results from the sixth wave of research are now available.
Findings for Alberta organizations from Wave 6 results include:
- Comfort has developed into a very predictable pattern that follows case numbers and now vaccine rates.
- Albertans will return at their own pace; participation hinges on personal comfort but also personal risk tolerance.
- There is a consensus that there will be less of a return to “normal” but rather a new way of doing things moving forward.
- Because Albertans have spent the past year and half discovering new things to do, the selection of what they can choose from now is quite vast.
- Spending habits are in flux, and at this point it is difficult to predict where Albertans will direct their money in the short term.
What are the implications for Alberta organizations?
- Even as restrictions have been removed, organizations still need to deal with comfort. As it stands, there is clear hesitancy in the audience and it will be important to communicate safety measures to make audiences comfortable when re-engaging.
- Organizations should keep in mind that public sentiment is a more useful barometer over government announcements. Gauging expectations for increased participation to occur will be based on a combination of comfort and risk tolerance.
- Organizations should expect more permanent (structural) changes to stick around – specifically related to organizational transparency, flexibility with refunds, new payment options, etc. These should be things that organizations consider keeping even if they are no longer required by the government.
- The main consideration for organizations remains flexibility – in terms of payment options, participation options, etc. This will allow for consideration on different levels as Albertans suss out how they want to direct their spending.
Download the reports:
About the project
The Alberta Foundation for the Arts is pleased to be a funding partner in this collaboration with Stone-Olafson and other community leaders to develop a long-term research investigation and evaluate how current conditions will reshape Albertans’ attitudes and behaviours towards social and group activities, across a variety of sectors. The purpose of this work is to give leaders of community sports, recreation, arts and culture, professional sports, active living, heritage, tourism or hospitality sectors relevant facts about local audiences that they will need to bring life back to our communities.
The initiative was funded by:

6th and final wave of results of a long-term study to gauge Alberta audiences' attitudes towards returning to live arts and culture venues and events.
6th and final wave of results of a long-term study to gauge Alberta audiences' attitudes towards returning to live arts and culture venues and events.
6th and final wave of results of a long-term study to gauge Alberta audiences' attitudes towards returning to live arts and culture venues