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Link to Work of the Week: Faye HeavyShield

Work of the Week: Faye HeavyShield

Date: May 4, 2022

In honour of Red Dress Day, we feature two artworks by Faye HeavyShield: red dress and blood
Link to Work of the Week: Happy International Dance Day

Work of the Week: Happy International Dance Day

Date: Apr 29, 2022

Celebrate International Dance Day! Established in 1982 by UNESCO International Theatre Institute, International Dance Day falls on Apr 29 every year.
Link to Work of the Week: World Book and Copyright Day

Work of the Week: World Book and Copyright Day

Date: Apr 22, 2022

Every year on April 23, World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated to encourage enjoyment of reading books.
Link to Work of the Week: World Art Day

Work of the Week: World Art Day

Date: Apr 14, 2022

We profile "World enough, and time" by Ken Macklin to help celebrate World Art Day on April 15.
Link to Work of the Week: Gag by Carissa Baktay

Work of the Week: Gag by Carissa Baktay

Date: Mar 31, 2022

Did you know the AFA Art Collection includes contemporary sculpture? Check out this example in Work of the Week.
Link to Work of the Week: Conquered Mountain by John K. Esler

Work of the Week: Conquered Mountain by John K. Esler

Date: Mar 18, 2022

Featured artwork from the Collection of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts: Conquered Mountain by John K. Esler and showcased at TREX - NW Alberta
Link to Work of the Week: Pendulum by Ukainian artist Oksana Movchan

Work of the Week: Pendulum by Ukainian artist Oksana Movchan

Date: Mar 11, 2022

Work of the Week shines a spotlight on Ukrainian artist Oksana Movchan
Link to Work of the Week: Strange Jury #2 by Dwayne Martineau

Work of the Week: Strange Jury #2 by Dwayne Martineau

Date: Feb 28, 2022

Work of the Week invites you to explore the unnoticed world of nature and to challenge our perspectives.
Link to Work of the Week celebrates Family Day

Work of the Week celebrates Family Day

Date: Feb 18, 2022

On Family Day, February 21, 2022, celebrate time with your family and loved ones.
Link to Work of the Week celebrates Black History Month

Work of the Week celebrates Black History Month

Date: Feb 7, 2022

February is Black History Month. This week spotlight is: "Searching for Freedom" featuring Colin Kaepernick by Fetsum Teclemarium.
