3-day international workshop "DRAMATURGY OF PHYSICAL ACTION"

Date: Jun 17, 2022

Deadline: Aug 3, 2022 - 11:45 pm

3 - 5 August 2022 
Grand Studio, Brussels - Belgium
The training is designed as an intensive multidisciplinary lab with active participation and practice of performers from different techniques, levels of experiences and countries. Multidisciplinarity and multiculturality are one of the most important principles of the program. 
Working language - English.

For more information about the workshop: https://www.physicalityinacting.com/brussels-2022-august
ArtUniverse can offer scholarships of up to 90 euros and to receive it fill in the form: https://www.artuniverse.org/application-process/
Your application will be considered within three working days.